Wednesday 6 January 2016

Goodbye 2015....

I used to love doing these posts and I still now look back at the ones I did a few years ago!

I love to document things, and in a world where we are constantly taking photos I always worry that in years to come I'll forget when a certain picture was taken! So at least I can look back at these posts and remember the year haha!

These pictures aren't in any sort of order, because lets face it who has time for that anymore! lol

2015 was a year of many highs and lows. We had many tears and many laughs!
It's so strange when I look back especially at photos of Skye because it seems she started the year unable to do so many things, and now she has learnt so much, it doesn't seem possible that she's learnt so much in one short year!! I always feel that photos from the start of the year should have been so much longer ago than they were! 

We have definitely enjoyed our family days together! Evenings are the most fun, when daddy usually does the bath time and I enjoy hearing them giggling away together! 
At the start of the year Skye was just getting the hang of walking (1st pic) We went to Weston on a day out for my birthday and it was the first time we had let her walk around somewhere that wasn’t home! 

Another big change for Skye this year was that we decided to move her into her big girl bed - You can read more about this on a separate post I did earlier in the year! We are so proud of how well she adjusted! We just knew she wasn’t comfy in her cot anymore so the move was for sure needed!

This year also saw a very big challenge for our whole family, as my dad had made the difficult decision to have a major operation for his pulmonary embolism. This was a very scary time for us all and made worse by having to wait for over 6 months for him to be called in. We didn't really know a lot about the operation, and I especially didn't want to know. That was until we got the phone call one morning to say he was booked in for the operation at the end of May. It suddenly became real and I decided to read up about it. I'm not sure if I felt better for knowing what was going to happen or not! 
It was quite scary reading that it is one of the most difficult operations and where he went is the only hospital in the UK that does it! We even saw a youtube video with someone else who had had the op and the surgeon who performed it!
I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of walking away from him in the hospital that night we left him there, not knowing if we would ever see him again. 
I also won't ever forget the moment I got to walk into the intensive care unit and see him afterwards. So relieved that he had made it through! I had gone up to the hospital in Cambridge with them as I didn't want mum to be alone when she couldn't be with him, so this obviously meant taking Skye as well. I honestly couldn’t be more proud of how well she handled all the waiting around, different places and being away from home for around a week! 

This year also saw a little sunshine! Which meant we got to play in the garden and Skye had her first proper paddling pool play! She really enjoyed this and loves playing with water! We also enjoyed a family day out to Durdle Door! 

Another fun trip we took this year was to Longleat! I was given some vouchers for my birthday and couldn't wait to take Skye! Especially on the driving bit so she could see all the animals up close! She loved it! I would love to take her again now she is a bit older!! 

Obviously the best part of our year was this right here! I got to marry my best friend!! It's so funny to think that at the start of the year we had no idea we would get married this year! We decided to start planning the wedding as a way to distract me from thinking about my dad's operation. We picked out a few venues to go and look at and funnily enough the first one we went to I fell in love with! We spoke to them about dates and they told us they had one date available in August.. ! It was April at this point and we walked away feeling that we should have taken it! On the drive home we came to the conclusion.. why the hell not?! My dad was due to go for his op in May and  we thought this would be the perfect thing for him to look forward to afterwards! We took the date and began planning!! However as May came around and the hospital still hadn't phoned we began to panic that dad wouldn't be well enough to come and we had to consider cancelling. Luckily we held out and he had his op at the end of May which left almost 3 months for his recovery! 

We had so much fun planning our wedding and Dom did so much!! All the little details that I wanted he made possible. I will definitely share a whole post about our day. It was perfect and once it was over I just wanted to do it all again!!

So here we are at the end part of the year, Skye enjoyed her first carnival! She also enjoyed fireworks on bonfire night and her first sparklers! She still talks about fireworks now! lol She also enjoyed carving pumpkins with daddy! And of course she turned two at the end of November!! I don't know where the time has gone! I'm sure I was just bringing her home in that tiny car seat!! 
This year also saw us sign for our first proper home together!! It has been a long few weeks of decorating!! We now just need to do the big move! 

Dom also had a career change right before christmas! It is so strange to not have him here whenever we need him, but we will get used to it! Being self employed is hard hard work! 

And the best thing of all.. dad had his 6 month check from the hospital and we are over the moon to report that he is doing so well! 

I can't wait to see what 2016 brings for us all! 

p.s Yep one picture made it in here twice! Oops ... it is a cutie though.. can you spot it? :P lol

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