Wednesday 5 September 2018

On your first day.

The day has come, I feel I've been waiting for this day all summer, hoping it wouldn't come around quite as fast as it has! While I tried my hardest to enjoy the summer and make the most of each day, every day felt bitter sweet as it was one day closer to this day.

While I am so excited to see who you become now you've started school and I'm excited for all your stories and all the things you'll bring home to show me, I can't help but feel sad that this is another step towards you growing up. I've had to let you go just that little bit more.

The days leading up to this day have been hard and emotional, I've cried and I've longed for you to be a baby again, even though I know this is all part of life it doesn't make it any easier!

It's true what they say, the hardest part of being a parent is letting go and letting you grow.

Today my heart is hurting, but I know it will get easier.

You made us so proud today. As we got out of the car, you hugged me tight and said "Mummy I'm nervous.." I was worried you'd get upset, but you didn't, you bravely walked in to the school and when it was time you blew Daddy and I a kiss and we waved goodbye to you.

Well done Bee - You are going to be brilliant.

I can't wait for 3 o'clock...!

Love you x

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween!

Once again another October has flown by, we had a great one, Skye talked non stop about halloween the whole month! 

She got really in to it this year and kept asking when we could decorate the house! 

We decided to go back to the pumpkin patch we visited last year, but this year we went earlier and there were so many more pumpkins! I think we will probably end up visiting here every year now! It is perfect as its small and quiet! I looked around for others but they were all ones you had to pay for as they had other activities available. 

We all prefer something a little more quiet and where we can do our own thing so this place is perfect for us!

For halloween we carved our pumpkins and had a little party at my mums house, sadly though Skye Bee ended up being poorly for the day so didn't end up enjoying it as much as she would have! She kept her spirits up though and still wanted to have her face painted and dress up!

So that's October for another year! Now on to Skye Bee's FOURTH (what?!!) birthday! 

Hope you all had a great October and Halloween!

Sunday 15 October 2017

Missing You.

I can't believe it's been over a year already.

Seeing all the other mama's stories on baby loss brings it all home again, and although I still think about it everyday, this week seems to make everything come to the surface just that little bit more.

How do you ever really get over losing a baby that was so so so wanted and already so loved?

Even after hearing other peoples stories I still feel silly for feeling so sad, I was barely 7 weeks pregnant, I didn't have a bump, I didn't have any symptoms. I know I have as much right as anyone else to feel sad about it, I know this, but still when I hear stories of women losing babies much further on, or even still born I can't help but feel I'm being a little dramatic for feeling so upset.

I don't talk about it to anyone for this reason, because I don't feel anyone but Dom really understands.

I know in reality A LOT of people would understand and do understand.

I am so glad that baby loss is so widely spoken about now, and you really don't realise just how many people are affected by it.

When I had Skye the thought of loosing her never crossed my mind. The thought of anything going wrong never crossed my mind. I was in such a naive little bubble. To be honest I am so glad that I was! I feel if I ever get pregnant again, I won't be so naive to it all, and I'll probably worry a whole lot more.

I hope that in sharing my story, I have at least made just one more person aware of ectopic pregnancies and just how common and dangerous they can be, I know before it happened to me, I was unaware of just how serious and dangerous they were.

So here we are a year on, and still missing you little one.


Wednesday 14 June 2017

What We Wear.

Skye is only 3.5 years old but she definitely already has her own way that she likes to dress!

I always want to encouraged Skye to explore with her style and dress in a way that she likes to dress.

I remember when I was growing up, I had my own style, but was always afraid to wear what I wanted, just incase. I remember so many times putting on one outfit and loving it and then when my mum said we were leaving the house, I would rush upstairs and change. I was always afraid of what people would say! I gradually came out of this phase at around the time I was leaving school, but still was quite reserved in my clothing choices!

Now as an adult, I hate that I didn't express myself more, and show more of who I was when I was growing up. I hate that others made me feel that I couldn't be myself.

I remember being probably 14/15 and going to Bristol with my sister, and some girls walking behind us, spoke very loudly, obviously so we could hear (well done girls!) saying we were greebers. What the eff is a greeber?!! We were also called goths, avril lavigne.. the list goes on.. all as you can tell super original insults! However I didn't take it as an insult. I was pretty chuffed that I was different enough to get a reaction! I was just glad that they felt the need to comment, because it meant I wasn't like them!

This is something I would like Skye to be able to do. I want her to feel comfortable being different if she chooses to be, I want her to be happy to shrug off other peoples comments.

I know I spent far too long worrying about what other people would think, even being too afraid to wear my hair in a different way, just incase!

I hope to raise Skye to know that everyone is different, and however they choose to dress shouldn't affect how you treat them.

Thanks for reading! x

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Converse
Socks: Ebay

Friday 9 June 2017

The Best Things In Life Are Free..

For Easter this year Dom surprised Skye with her very own strawberry plant to take care of and watch grown!

She took great care with watering it and got excited when she started to see the small green strawberries starting to grow!

We noticed the other night that she finally had one big red strawberry ready to be picked and once we told her she couldn't wait to pick it off and try it!

I love watching her learn about things and seeing the excitement in her eyes over things we take for granted every day, it really is the best seeing life again through her eyes!

After picking her first strawberry she couldn't wait for more to grow, and was excited to be able to pick quite a few this morning before nursery!

I love summer mornings when the air is still crisp and the sun is shining, I can't wait to explore life more with this little one!

What are your favourite things about summer? Do you grow your own fruit/veg? :) 

Thanks for reading! x

Monday 24 April 2017

Easter 2017!

I can't believe that Easter has been and gone already! This year is really flying by!

We had a great Easter and really enjoyed the Easter holidays!

Skye went to bed excited for the Easter bunny and was really pleased to wake up and see what he had left for her! :)

I love how excited she gets for all these things now that she is a little older!

We then went out for lunch with all the family and Skye got to run around and play with her older cousins.

Once lunch was done we headed back to mum's and the kids did a little Easter egg hunt! Though I'm not sure who got more excited about it...*ahem...Dom* ..!!


After a lovely day and too much chocolate, we were all ready for a good nights sleep! 

When Skye went back to nursery after the holidays, we found out they were doing an Easter bonnet parade on the Friday, so we bought supplies to make her a hat! She really enjoyed making her hat and sticking all the things we had got to go on it, Dom was even allowed to help her!

I'll definitely remember her first Easter bonnet parade forever, she did so great even though she was very nervous about it! I still remember doing my Easter bonnet parades when I went there all those years ago! ( I hated it!! )