Thursday 19 November 2015

Skye at two.

As I did a small update last year on things Skye was up to at age 1, I thought I would do another one now so I can remember what she was up to when she turned two!

We have one week left of our little bee being one! I can't believe she is going to be two already! Feels like yesterday she was turning one! The time just flies by.. maybe because we're having so much fun!?

Skye seemed to go from being a baby to being a toddler in such a short space of time, and I'm sure one minute she was saying odd words and the next she was the biggest chatterbox ever! haha!
She says pretty much everything now and is so good and communicating with us, she can always tell us what she wants, and although she is sometimes met with our confused faces we always get there in the end! I love how she has her own little language and sometimes you will hear her chatting away to her toys! So cute!

One of her favourite toys is without a doubt her scuttle bug - She is crazy on that thing! She will go so fast down the hall way and just before getting to the front door she will lift her legs up before banging into it! It is so funny to watch - She also loves to skid round corners on it.. I think she gets this from her daddy!

She also loves her dolls and spends ages putting them on the changing mat and changing nappies! She also loves to wrap them in blankets and put them in to bed! It is so cute to watch her doing things that she has obviously learnt from us!

The other thing she loves is her tea set - she loves to make us cups of tea and coffee! She puts all the cups out and stirs them with a spoon before handing them out to everyone! She even makes sure that she tells me mine is a cup of tea and daddy's if coffee!

She also loves to sing - wheels on the bus is one of her favourites, and she likes it when we changed the words! We change the words to grandad/daddy/mummy/leo/other animals and she will aways say what the different person says! We thought it was hilarious when we said the daddy on the bus goes... and she replied "coffee coffee coffee!" haha!

Other things she loves include books, puzzles, play dough and water! She would play with water for hours I'm sure! She loves playing with other children and loves when her cousin comes to play! Also not forgetting her biggest love Leo! I love how much she loves Leo and the way she pats his back and says "good boy!"
She can also count to 10, and is getting pretty good with her colours too! :D

Skye's biggest achievement this year is quite a recent one and that is that she is now potty trained! She was showing signs of being ready for a little while, so we got her a potty just to get used to the idea. I then decided to just go for it. I will write another post about this another time. But I am so proud of how quickly she picked it up!

Her favourite things to eat have been pasta (still!) sausages and beans. She has become a little more fussy with her food and will only eat when she's properly hungry! Pasta is what she eats the best and fruit. She still loves her fruit which I'm glad about! She is also a complete chocolate monster! Her new love is chocolate coins! She calls them Peppa coins after seeing Peppa eat them on one episode!

She is growing in to such a beautiful little girl and sometimes I look and her and I just can't believe she is mine! She is the most loving and caring little girl and always gives hugs and kisses to everyone!

 So I think that's all for now, obviously it's so hard to remember everything as she learns something new everyday! She is so much fun and I can't wait to see how she changes again in the next year!

 We love you Skye bee!!


  1. Awh what a cutie! Amazing on the. Potty training. Well done mama :-D xx

    1. Thanks! She's done so well with it! I was dreading it after the horror stories you hear from some people! But it's definitely not as bad as people make out! lol xx
