Thursday 17 July 2014

Say it now.

Why do we take simple things for granted?

I longed so much for this child, terrified I wouldn't be able to have children, and now I have this beautiful daughter and I wish sometimes I would stop and cherish how lucky I am to have her. Some are unable to have their dream of children. I try every day to be thankful for her and enjoy every moment that goes by so quickly but as weeks and months go by so quickly I always feel that it's never enough.
I want to always remember the way she smiles when she wakes, the way she smells when she's just been bathed. I want to always remember the feeling of bringing her home for the first time, the look of love in Dom's eyes as he laid them on her the moment she was born. 

I hope I always remember these things. 

It's so easy as days, weeks, months and years go by so quickly to forget sometimes not to take things for granted, one day in the blink of an eye things can change and then all we'll have left is regret. Regret of things we wished we'd done or said, moments we wished we'd taken just a little longer to savour. I know we can love until our hearts are full and we'll always long for something that once was, that's just human emotion, I just want to try and do things that can be done now, because as I once heard, "you can't make time later"

If someone is important to you, tell them, because if you never had the chance to, again, you'd wish you'd told them. 

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